EUROMOD online session on using EUROMOD from Python

  • Past Event
  • Start date
    End date
  • Location

The Python Connector to EUROMOD is a tool that allows users to interact with EUROMOD directly from Python. The library has an object-oriented style and emulates the structure of the EUROMOD UI, using the concepts of a model, countries and systems and allows users to run the model providing the data as Pandas DataFrame. To provide further support and guidance on using the Python Connector to EUROMOD, a technical session will be held on Wednesday 19th of June, 15:00-16:00 CEST. During this session, the following features will be discussed:

  1. How to run EUROMOD from Python
  2. Different options for running EUROMOD from Python, including add-ons, extensions, and ITT
  3. Manipulating the input data using Python
  4. Changing EUROMOD constants using Python
  5. Accessing model information

More information on how to install and use the connector will be made available on Friday 14/06.

No need to register, just connect using this link (you can also add it to your calendar).