EUROMOD on-site training Autumn 2024

  • Upcoming Event
  • Start date
    End date
  • Location
    JRC Seville

Application period is open for the next EUROMOD training! 

The course will be held on 16, 17 and 18 October 2024 in hybrid format: at the premises of JRC-Seville (application needed, see below) and online (no application needed). The course is free of charge, but there is no reimbursement of travel/subsistence costs. It will include the following contents:

  • Session 1. Microsimulation models and introduction to EUROMOD; EUROMOD language; Handling errors
  • Session 2. Variable types; Defining tax units, constants and income lists
  • Session 3. Simulation of consumption taxes in EUROMOD
  • Session 4. Policy functions Elig, ArithOp & Allocate
  • Session 5. Policy functions BenCalc & SchedCalc
  • Session 6. System function DefOutput; Uprating indices

The course will combine lectures with live demonstrations of the model. Participants will also have the opportunity to carry out a number of hands-on exercises to test and refine their understanding of the model. Please note that due to data access restrictions, during the course we will be using hypothetical datasets. No access to microdata on actual households will be granted on the basis of taking part to the course.

The training is targeted to new and potential users of EUROMOD. Applications will be evaluated and selected based on the motivation for attending stated by the applicant in the form. The course does not assume any previous knowledge of the model, but a background in the use of microdata and distributional analysis will help to make the most of it.

Apply here

Deadline for applications: 29 July 23:59 CET

Confirmation of acceptance by email: 2 August

Please note that you will need an EU Login account; in case you don't have one, you can easily create it during the registration process.

We also wish to inform that a training dedicated to the simulation of consumption taxes in EUROMOD will take place later on this year, dates still to be decided.

If you have any questions or suggestions, do not hesitate to contact us.